פגישתי הראשונה עם "קוניאק" 4.7.06 מאת גייזי שביט.
לפני מספר שנים ,נתקלתי באינטרנט בשם "קוניאק" בן קרית חיים, כתבתי לו ושאלתי אם הוא אמנון , קרייתי בן גילי המכונה קוניאק ? הוא השיב לי : "לצערי איני הקוניאק שאתה מחפש, אבל אני מכיר אותך ויודע מי אתה……כשהייתי ילד בת הדודה שלי רחל ישראלי, ואחותי עמליה, הזכירו את שמך בביתנו וכך התוודעתי לקיומך…."
ובהמשך מכתב מעניין שקבלתי מנועם מזריצקי (שם נעורים) לפני מספר חודשים, ושם במכתב
The Hebrew came 'clean' and it was my
pleasure reading your positive response.
Yes, our first born was Eliezer Miziritzki, 1930.
You have posted on the kirya-team.org.il site a few pictures that included his
image with subtitle.
We all have fun memories from home and
surrounding. In kibbutz Baari, about 1961, we were in a 'Work Camp' or
MaChana Avoda (sounds terrible when translated literally…) when a
group from Nechal Oz arrived on a sunny Saturday morning asking for Danny Cohen
(or Kohen). We said that none of us would be Danny Cohen. We were
all in front of the dinning hall, ready to depart on a 'free' organized
The young lady in the group repeated the inquiry:
"Are you from Kiryat Chaim?" "Yes, we are (proud to be)." "Noer
Ha'Oved?" "You bet we are." "No Danny Cohen with you?" "No,
we do not have any Danny Cohen."
Suddenly some one jumped, probably Gidi or Chilik, "She
is asking for Cognac!!!" That was obviously Mrs. Rachel Levi (Liebush's
wife, Amelia's cousin) with company, and we did not or could not, for the
life in us, even respond properly…
Changing the subject.
It is a small world. If you decent a flight of
stairs and knock on Number 47, you might have Eva or Dr. Eitan Zimmer at the
door. Please say Hi to Eitan (1945, sister Ester 1944, Leah,
now Leitner, grew up at the same second floor building, Rechov MB?) for me,
he was from the other side of the tracks, but we never held that against
Have a great Independence Day. We do remember the
silver platter. I actually had large tears in my eyes in Latron's
old British forte, currently the Armed Corp museum, reading
Nathan Alterman's poem.
"עם עמליה-האחות של קוניאק ז"ל "
לזכר דני כהן על הקבר הטרי הלוויה