To Geyzi and Yael, Shavua tov,   11.3.07
 I just was going through the weekly report that you send me each week, I think you already know that I enjoy it very much and I thank you for that.  I read an artical by someone whose name is yoram stav. he wrote that after the first bombardment in the second war on the I.P.C, his family went to live in Kfar Yeoshua, we also were living there for couple of months. 
 My family took a place that once used to be a cowshed. 
The owners of the place  were the Rachlevsky family. 
I remember that we used to help him work in the field.
It was nice to read that there is another person that remembers those days.  I also read about Yakov Berko, it is amazing, since not long ago I asked you something about him and today I read and saw his picture too,  May he rest in peace.
Anyway I thank you so much and waiting for next friday !!!!!
My best regards to Yael............Tami--FL USA   [email protected]